Today was the first day in a week of rain. It goes without saying that I must make soup. I am realizing that I cannot stick to one cookbook for this blog. Way too constricting for my style. So I'm gonna be improvising on cookbooks quite a bit.
I made soup today with a onion, garlic, white wine & olive oil base. I added miso and water and brown basmati rice to that. After 10 minutes or so I added cubed carrots, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, roasted delacata squash, tempeh & baked tofu. When it was almost ready to come off I added a whole bunch of beautiful purple kale that I had chopped in the cuisinart. It was lovely with quinoa, carrots, peas, tempeh & a dressing of garlic, lemons, olive oil & maple syrup.
Its good to not eat animals. I feel lighter and brighter. My hubby a self proclaimed "American eater" ie meat eater....said "I don't even feel like I need meat, your cooking is that good."